Life's too short
not to be yourself

the success strategy you've been looking for

is You.....

And it doesn't take guesswork.

There is already a plan in place for your success.

The kind of success that doesn't require hustle, grind, or imbalance in your life.

Authentic, Aligned, & Abundant success.

Your Cosmic Codes imprinted in your Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys

can reveal to you....

  • Your ideal clients and their struggles
  • how best to show up on social media 
  • what message & parts of your story attract your soulmate clients
  • Your most auspicious days for launching successfully
  • and so much more....

How to get started...

on the journey to transforming your business from just work, to soul aligned success

Single Sessions

Discover the best dates for you to launch, ideal clients for a new program, an eagle eye for your year in business.....

Soul of Service 

The Full Package. Stop trying to "figure out" your business and understand & integrate your ideal clients, messaging, and aligned business structure. 

Free Workshop

Dive into your Human Design & Astrology to learn about your ideal clients and what offers work best for you...

Meet  Kacy

Kacy was initiated into the world of creating your own destiny through healing her chronic pain. She began studying Herbalism, Astrology,  and Human Design. In 2019 she met her mentor Dorothy Malkie an Astrologer with 50+ years experience. As a 5/1 splenic projector, she has spent thousands of hours studying modalities to help you make money for being yourself. Her calling to work with Entrepreneurs is rooted in the belief that business is the greatest Spiritual growth journey one can undertake. Kacy lives on her family farm in West Virginia. When she isn't working with extraordinary women, she is often found singing off key to her 2 cats and 2 dogs. 

Let's Stay Connected


Daily Astrology forecast & connect with Kacy in stories 

Nail Your Niche

Use Astrology & Human design to discover more about your ideal clients and how you best show up online.

best days to launch

Your guide to the best days to have a successful launch in 2022. 

Get the Newsletter

Plan your week with the coveted Monday morning cosmic forecast

...others have to say...

Working with Kacy is truly transformative. Her ability to intuit information from your charts and the Universe is breathtaking. Just be sure you’re ready for your life to change because when you commit to work with Kacy, powerful and permanent transformation is inevitable.

Anna Nyeste  Coach 

The reading told me what I NEEDED to hear, and went in depth giving me actionable tools I have started to integrate. Ever since I received my reading I have begun to embrace a new mindset and have broken through beliefs that have held me back for a long time. I am receiving more abundance and seeing more clients.

Rebekah Rose Coach

For all coaches + entrepreneurs out there I'd highly recommend checking out her latest offering Soul of Service. I haven't felt this inspired, motivated, or clear in a long time!

Britt Olson  Coach 


How to attract your soulmate clients (no worksheets involved)

A step by step guide to using your charts to discover your Ideal clients, aligned offers, and how best to show up on social media