It's time to meet your Soulmate Business

Clarify Who your Ideal Clients are, Your most magnetic Social Media Voice, and Your offerings through the Power of the Cosmos✨

aka, no sticky frustrating worksheets involved...

are you ready to....

 go from “figuring it out” in your business to feeling secure, aligned, and clear with a foundation you can build on for years to come?

✧To have your week filled with people ready for you to share your gifts with them, and you get inspired by the changes you’re making in their lives. 

✧And you’re ready to go from a hundred ideas to a clear launch and marketing plan that doesn’t have you guessing what to do next?

✧Are you ready to have clarity on your niche in a way that is super inclusive, fluid, and can grow with you?

✧And showing up online passionate about your latest offering?

✧And to be excited and confident about the process of growing your community and making sales?

✧And to be thrilled to share with family and friends the progress you’re making in your business?

...because that is all possible

and without those pesky journal prompts in most business courses that leave you beating your head against the wall.


✨Use the power of Human design & astrology✨

to build your dream business with hands on support to discover your...

Niche & Ideal Clients 

Imagine getting a birth chart reading for your Ideal Client. Know them like your bestie. 

Offerings & Launch Strategy

Craft a potent offer that you're actually excited to sell, that honors not only your type, but also the natural energy you bring to containers. 

Your Social Media Style

The voice and content style that is going to resonate most with your people! No more guesswork or looking for clues from your "industry leaders".

Hi, I'm Kacy Danae

I’ve seen so many incredibly gifted soulpreneurs, healers, mystics, creatives, and coaches have so much to offer the world but struggle to get the nuts and bolts of business down. 

I know first hand that when you have so much to offer, it can be hard to find and explain your unique brand of magic.

After doing a dozen “find your ICA” client worksheets and more “discover your Niche” workshops that I’d like to admit….

I discovered clarity through my own unique cosmic codes in Astrology, Human Design, and Gene keys. 

Merging traditional business strategy with these soul deep blueprints creates more than just a strategy….

It creates a rooted foundation that you can grow from, and help so many others, for years to come…

what others say

“ There are coaches, there are teachers, there are astrologers, there are guides. Then there’s Kacy. All of the above and SO much more. Kacy transcends all the labels and titles floating out there today. She’s humble and kind and supportive but she won’t coddle you and she won’t stand for you getting in your own way. She’s straightforward and unerring in her quest to help you find your truth, purpose, and path. She reminds you of your strengths and personal gifts and stands solidly next to you while you step into your own power.” 

Anna Neyeste 

Business transition expert 

Ways to work together

Business in a Day

A VIP experience to nail down the nuts and bolts of your business in a single day. What we do:

  • Who your ideal clients are:
    and what the actually struggle with
  • Your Brand Niche & Positioning:
    aka how to make you stand out from the crowd 
  • What to actually say on social:
    yes, we'll actually write content together and create a workbook to make it easy peasy to do on your own
  • Define your Signature Offers
    and your launch + sales strategies so you can feel confident selling them. 
  • A Step by Step execution plan
    so you're not left wondering what to do next

All securely rooted in the Cosmic systems that break down the energy for you instead of trying to figure it out on your own. 

Strategy Session

Do you just need a few quick answers to get things in place in your business? Let your charts lead the way to answer your questions about: 

  • How to position your brand and find your niche
  • What actually is going on inside your ideal clients brains 
  • The optimal style of your Social Media content 
  • How to create high potency offers for your Niche 

Harness the power of Human Design & Astrology for Your Business

I'll be honest, this was going to be a 4 month program...but why drag out a process that can happen in a day for months?

When you don't have to do a bunch of soul searching and journal sessions big questions can be answered in minutes, not hours.

All thanks to the Human Design, Astrology, and Gene Key's of both YOU and YOUR business (and a deep dive into all things you prior to our DAY) .

Here's the Flow... 

Prior to the Big Day

What you do: 
✧Answer a questionnaire that helps me get to know you
✧Relax, celebrate, and get excited! Everything is about the change!

What I do:
✧ Deep dive into ALL your charts, questionnaire, and socials.
Create your Business Design Workbook (your roadmap to the strategy and energetics of your soulmate business)
Find your MOST aligned days to launch/relaunch your business or offerings according to the ✨
Send you updates on all your important Astrology transits & Returns so you're in the flow
Available by email for any pressing questions you may have 

The Big Day!

Bring your favorite bev, comfy pants, and notebook. We're getting straight down to business. Here's an example schedule: 

First Session (9am-12pm) 

✧  Brand Energy & Positioning 

✧ Your Mission and Values 

Ideal Clients (and what they secretly struggle with)

Building out your Signature offer/offer suite

✧ Content Creation Clarity (what to actually say on social to attract your ideal customers)

1 hour Break: to be human 

2nd Session: 1pm-3:30pm 

✧  Write your content together 

✧ Website/Sales page outline/ copy 

✧ Outline Your Next Steps in a 3 month strategy plan 

After the Day...

A few days after our session you'll get your implementation package! Which has everything you need to master your magic in your biz. 

In the package you'll find: 

✧ Your Business Playbook: 
your guide to everything about running your business. From content ideas, ideal client struggles, to gentle reminders about how your energy best works in business.

✧ Your 3 month Strategy Guide:
A step by step guide, created with your unique Astrology transits in mind, to keep you on track implementing, creating content, and selling. 

✧ A year of Astrology transits & best days for business:  
Your own seasons, so you can rest when it's time to rest (and go HARD when it's the season for it) 

Ways to Reach Me for Extra Support:
I know it's easy for something to slip your mind or forget a piece or two when it's you on your own. I'll be available by email for 1 month after your session.


BUSINESS in a day

The 1:1 support to get you the business clarity you need.. Including everything listed above (except for your favorite bev and pants) lol. 


working together helps people to

➼ Feel lighter, more excited, and confident because you know you’re on the right path.

➼ Experience more clarity, because we’ll have built a strong foundation on which your business can grow.

➼ Be ready to show up online, because you know what needs to be said to get the right people’s eyeballs on you. 

➼ Be more inspired when you think about the future and the impact you’re making on your family and community.

➼ Be at ease when people ask you “what you do” or ask you about your “instagram business” because you know you're growing. 

➼ Spend less time scrolling social media, because you know what you need to do to show up online. 

➼ Ready to launch your most aligned offering yet, with a personalized strategy to do so. 

➼ Be more relaxed during your down times, because you have a year long outline for when it’s GO time and when you can kick up your feet and fill up. 

Don't need a whole day? 

Get started with a 90 minute strategy session

We might not be able to build your entire business in 90 minutes, but we can get you clarity on one or more of these topics...

Your Niche 

Aka your brand positioning and what makes you unique! We'll find your stand out factor so you can clearly define where you stand.

Your Ideal Clients 

What I would have given to have this 5 years ago. So many tears. We'll use charts to understand your ICA like you're reading their birth chart. 

Aligned Social Media Strategy

Most people are talking on social media like they are Adele when they really need to be an Eminem. We find YOUR voice with the help of the chart, of course.  

Your Signature Offer 

Offers are tricky! Especially if you're not sure of who your ideal customer is. Let's break it down together. 

Session details 

Investment for a single session & materials is $555. 


You'll answer the pre-session questions so I can get to know your needs and prepare the charts necessary to make the most of your session. 


Using your charts I'll help you get clarity on whatever your business most needs support in right now. And YES, it's recorded. 


You'll receive detailed notes & your next steps based on your charts and what we discussed. Alongside the session recording.

➼ You'll have 2 free email support sessions for any questions that come up following your session. 


Do you offer payment plans? 

Yes! Both Business in a Day options have payment plans. Please email or reach out to me on instagram, if you'd like a link for this plan. 

I have some questions before I buy....

and I'd be more than happy to answer them. Connect with me on instagram or on voxer.

Will this work for my business?? 

I've used this method on everything from product based businesses to influencers....BUT I really love working with service providers, coaches, and spiritual businesses the best. If you're not sure this is a good fit for you, just reach out at to see if we're a match. 

What if I don't have a business/business chart yet? 

Um, YAY. Love this, because then we can start right from scratch. I'll help you plan the perfect business chart and launch. Or I mean, pretty close to it. 

Don't know where to start?

Begin with the free Nail Your Niche workshop....