The Natal Chart - Planets




Natal Chart

188 Lessons

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The Natal Chart - Planets

Chart Basics

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Your Uranus - Authenticity, Soulful Growth, Embracing Change

4 Chapters

Begin Here

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Be sure to download your Uranus Workbook to integrate this information. If you're just reading it, it doesn't give you a chance to PONDER and explore this energy in your own words...which helps you to embody and understand the energy fully.

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Your Uranus Sign

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Your Uranus House

12 Lessons

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Your Uranus Aspects

9 Lessons

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Your Saturn - Purpose, Authority, Parental Relationships

4 Chapters

👉Begin Here

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How to recognize Saturn energy is needed in your life, so you know what you've got to work through when.

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Your Saturn Sign

12 Lessons

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Aries

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Taurus

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Gemini

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Cancer

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Leo

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Virgo

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Libra

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Scorpio

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Sagittarius

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Capricorn

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Saturn in Aquarius

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If you have your natal saturn in the sign of Pisces

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Your Saturn House

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Your Saturn Aspects

9 Lessons

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Venus - Money, Relationships, Receiving from Life

4 Chapters

Your Venus Introduction

1 Lesson

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Your Venus Sign

12 Lessons

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As someone with this placement, you possess an internal perspective that is focused on cultivating curiosity, embracing new experiences, and staying open-minded. Your ability to communicate and engage in great conversations is one of your core values. You thrive on taking on new experiences and exploring the versatility that life has to offer. Your adaptable nature allows you to embrace change and express yourself freely. Your open-mindedness enables you to see things from different perspectives and remain curious about what life has in store. In relationships, it is important for you to be with people who are open-minded and willing to engage in meaningful conversations. Surrounding yourself with individuals who can appreciate and respect your changing perspectives is key. You seek surprises and enjoy being with someone who continues to grow and evolve. It is through growth and exploration that you find genuine connection and nourishment for your heart. However, at times, you may face challenges when it comes to feeling worthy of receiving. It is important to remember that you are meant to explore various interests and try different things. Give yourself full permission to embark on new experiences, even if they don't necessarily align with your long-term goals. The value lies in the learning process and the trial and error that comes with it. Boredom can be a wall that hinders your ability to receive. When you find yourself feeling bored, it's essential to shake things up in a healthy way. Embrace versatility, switch up routines, and add some excitement to your life. Act on your ideas and actually do the things you talk about. Embodied experiences are more nourishing and fulfilling than just discussing concepts. In relationships, communication is vital. Ensure that you are sharing your perspectives and desires openly. Seek partners and friends who are open-minded, curious, and willing to engage in conversations that challenge fixed perspectives. Surround yourself with individuals who can appreciate your changing interests and support your growth. Remember, it's perfectly fine to explore different directions and try new things. Embrace the learning process and the valuable experiences that come with it. Trust yourself and your ability to navigate through various interests and hobbies. Don't let outside judgments or criticisms deter you from pursuing what excites you. Ultimately, by staying open-minded, embracing new experiences, and engaging in meaningful conversations, you will create fulfilling relationships and open yourself up to more receiving in life.

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Your Venus House

12 Lessons

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Your Venus Aspects

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Mars - Motivation, Boundaries, Magnetism

3 Chapters

Your Mars Sign

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Your Mars House

12 Lessons

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Your Mars Aspects

9 Lessons

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Jupiter - Manifestation, Expansion, Abundance

4 Chapters


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Your Jupiter Sign

12 Lessons

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Your Jupiter House

12 Lessons

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Your Jupiter Aspects

10 Lessons

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How to find aspects in your natal chart & what Jupiter aspects in your chart mean to you

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Pluto - Healing, Personal Power, Transformational Growth

3 Chapters


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Your Pluto Sign

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Your Pluto House

12 Lessons

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About the teacher

Kacy Danae

Kacy is an in demand Astrologer for Business and Personal transformation. She's worked with hundreds of clients around the globe to create businesses and social media communities that align with their sacred talents. While also enriching their home, family, and relationships. Kacy works 1:1 with clients and offers a range of teaching & group programs. She helps people stay in tune with the Daily Forecast each day on Instagram Stories.

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