When you're tired spinning in circles,  I'm here to help you move in the right direction

You've got somewhere you want to be

You've got a vision and a hunger in your belly for something more for your life. 

  • you want your flourishing business to be a reflection of your life's work
  • you want a romance that looks good over coffee in the morning, not just on the 'gram.
  • you want the confidence to sit at a "push all the buttons" family holiday dinner and giggle inside, instead of picking up your battle axe. 

You're up for the whole Velveteen Rabbit way of life. You're down for discomfort, as long as you end up REAL. Real love, Real service, Real stunningly beautiful life inside and out. 

You know what it's like to get sick of your own shit and make a change in your life. It's not always pretty in the process, but the result of staying true to yourself and submitting organic initiation in your life...pure magic.


Single Sessions

For Business or Personal. You've got a problem that's keeping you up at night, I've got guidance & follow up support to move you in the right direction. 

Make me YOUR Astrologer

I'm in your back pocket as your guide. With preparation, planning, and execution all in alignment with your sacred timing. 

You & Your Clients

You're an amazing coach, but you want to increase your impact with high touch astrological support for yourself and your clients. 

Hi, I'm Kacy

A 5/1 Projector, Scorpio Stellium, Cancer Midheaven, with 3+ years of private mentorship with a Master Astrologer....which means I'm a natural born solution based guide who knows her craft. While nurturing comes natural to me on the job, I'm not that helicopter parent who tries to keep you in bubble wrap. I'm going to lovingly point out where your own shit is keeping you stuck, then bake you some cookies and remind you of all the ways you were born to move though it. 

I look forward to working with you,


Solution Sessions 

  • I review your Birth, Solar Return, Progressed, and/or Horary charts to determine solutions & the right timing to implement them. 
  • Each 60 minute session is recorded and you'll receive 1 month of email follow-up support as you execute changes. 
  • Business Sessions: Your Soul Work, Ideal Customer, Offer structure, Launch Timing, Money Blocks and beyond.
  • Personal Sessions: Transformational Birth Chart, Healing relationships, Family Dynamics, Health and Habits, Career Guidance. 

How much can you actually do in a single session?

How long would it take to get directions to your local Target? When you have somewhere you want to go, it takes no time flat to dig into your chart and get you actionable guidance.

and even though it's a single session, I'm not leaving you hanging. You've got 1 month of email support to integrate and implement what you learn. Because I actually give a shit about you getting results, not just learning something cool.

  • Support from ALL your charts
  • 1 month email support post session
  • Recorded 60 Minute Zoom
  • 6 months of timing & transits

~Investment: $700

Make ME

Your Astrologer

I'm not a huge fan of one night stands. I get too invested in people. My joy comes from watching someone grow, change, succeed, get knocked down, and get back up again. Which is why I only offer my full expertise to a select number of people, because I get invested in your story and your results. 

what being your Astrologer means....

  • I know you like your best friend does, but with more practical wisdom than your actual bff
  • One part prediction, one part planning. We line up what you want to accomplish, with the right time to do it
  • Guidance on how to overcome challenges before they even happen, so you can respond rather than react
  • Accountability for your visions and plans, I'm with you on the path so if you start to stray...I'll be there pointing you back to "hey, what happened to..." 
  • If you need extra guidance, you get access to my full buffet cosmic support  

The nooks and crannies 

aka, what's actually happens when I'm your Astrologer.  

Quarterly 1:1 Sessions

You bring your goals, I bring your Astrological timing and support. We set up a plan forward making everything line up with the divine timing. (Oh, and prep you for any challenges ahead) 

Monthly Check-Ins

Your Astrological energy report sent right to your e-mail each month & a quick check in to align your actions to the best timing

Extra Support Options

Shit hitting the fan and you need more? You're one of the select few who can access more direct support from Kacy's expertise. And yes, this means Horary questions iykyk ;) 

~ Packages starting at $3,000/year
applications closed for 2024 

um, why do I need to apply? I'm ready now!

I need to make sure we're going to FIT together! And as much as I'd like to say it's more likely that we're a good fit if you're a business owner and will kick your own ass if you think it will get you what you want. At the end of the day, I'm still going to pull a chart to determine if we're the right match. So even if you meet none of those things, this application is going to tell me how our time together is going to work..or wouldn't. Which can save us both a few headaches, and you some money. 

in 2025, this may only be available to those on the waitlist ;)

Your coaching clients depend on you.
you've got their backs. I've got yours.

Know your clients like you are best friends before you step into session. Give them actionable guidance from sacred sources, so you can help them get where they want to be...faster.

what's inside the

coaching package

  • High touch support for your personal Astrology and timing 
  • Voxer access, so you can braindump post session and get actionable advice based in their Astrology
  • Get yes/no questions answered for your clients before they make big moves 
  • Astrological Q&A/lessons for your group programs 

How having me in your back pocket can be your best kept, not so secret, secret. 

ya girl does comply with NDA's though ;) 

Most people under use Astrology. They use it just for prediction, not finding solutions. As a coach, your clients open up about their struggles and their problems. To up your impact, turn to me.

  • Need to know if a certain strategy is the right fit? I can check their birth chart and give you a deep dive into their business and money blocks + success.
  • Recognize your clients relationship is messing up her business? I'll pull up her birth chart AND synastry chart to guide you through her intimacy + receiving blocks, plus practical advice on how to navigate the relationship. 
  • Client finally ready to go big with a launch? Let me use electional Astrology to find you the best time for her to launch. 
  • Have a client torn between two options, and you need to know a direction to go in? Let me use Horary Astrology to get you a Yes/No answer. 

Let's chat about what I can do for YOUR business

~This is a 5 figure investment.